Little Rock I have honestly never listened to an Obama press conference in full, nor either of the Bushes, Clinton, and so on, but there I was driving from New Orleans to Greenville, Mississippi, and Mississippi Public Radio was the only clear channel on the radio, so that’s what I had on. I’ve caught …
Tag: Trump Administration
A Good Checklist for Grading an Obamacare Replacement
Greenville In the chaotic back and forth over what may be about to happen to the Affordable Care Act, it is becoming almost impossible to follow the real issues as the bull passes our knees and rises towards our chin on all sides of the debate. We know something bad is about to happen, …
Steamrolling the Cabinet Choices is a Mistake; Tillerson is an Example
New Orleans Well, we may not have a new President in the US quite yet, but Congress is back in session and the elephants are trying to stampede nominations through the Senate committees in lightning speed. Granted, most of these folks are going to end up exactly where Trump has appointed them to serve and …