New Orleans A lawsuit filed against the State of Louisiana by the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division may give another sad clue to the strategy of Republican governors seeking to block voting access to poorer citizens. The federal lawsuit flatly alleges that that state agencies responsible for administering welfare and disability benefits are …
Tag: voter registration
Kris Kobach and Systematic Republican Vote Suppression
Missoula One of the best lines in the great movie, The Outlaw Josie Wales, occurs when Clint Eastwood as Wales turns to Sandra Locke, the young woman, also his paramour at the time, and says, “is that what they teach young girls in Kansas.” I’ve always thought that has to be one of the more …
Register Voters or Lose
Little Rock Visiting with friends and comrades in Little Rock, it wasn’t long before the discussion went to the obvious: how could there be meaningful civic engagement of low-and-moderate income families in the 2012 elections without a huge voter registration effort among the poor? There are still open wounds from too many sources that …