Indian States are Putting More Roadblocks in front of Walmart Expansion

ACORN International International Organizing

New Orleans   Two reports yesterday from Dharmendra Kumar, director of the India FDI Watch Campaign affiliated with ACORN International, point out how far the superstore giants like Walmart, Carrefour, Tesco, and Metro really are from being able to freely enter markets throughout India.  This is largely a story that the global business press is missing …

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Stiglitz Opposes India FDI Modifications, Walmart Admits Knowledge of Bribes

ACORN International WalMart

New Orleans    Talking to ACORN India’s Mumbai Director Vinod Shetty via Skype on Tuesday, he could hardly wait to tell me about the news headlines all over the country as Nobel prize winning, former World Bank economist Joseph Stiglitz added his voice to our longstanding opposition to Prime Minister Singh’s unilateral actions to modify foreign …

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