The New Economy, Older and Part-time Workers, and Fulltime Exploitation

Citizen Wealth Financial Justice

Missoula   With the truck brought to the curb with transmission problems, I found myself in this small, university-based town for the weekend.  Looking for a guy who knew mechanics, I walked through a Saturday farmers’ market near the river that was jumping with young families and children with strollers abounding and smartphones crushed to their …

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Citizen Wealth Still Reeling from Recession Unless You Are Rich

Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Foreclosure Ideas and Issues

New Orleans   Looking at the soaring stock market and the touts’ claims of an improving housing market and corporate profitability, I would have hoped that what I call “citizen wealth” or the average family’s overall income security would have also come back strong.    So far, not so much.             A big part of the problem …

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