New Orleans Six months ago, we were all convinced that the nomination fight would be all but over this morning and if not this morning, certainly by the end of the month. We were wrong. The race, especially on the Democratic side is split right down the middle. Here is the CNN delegate count after all was said and done on Super Tuesday:
Democrats Needed to Win = 2,025
Candidate Pledged Superdels Total
Clinton 590 193 783
Obama 603 106 709
Even the Republican race where McCain seems to be consolidating his strength at the 50% mark still shows that the other contestants have to be down hard for them to agree that it’s all over.
Republicans Needed to Win = 1,191
Candidate Pledged Unpl. RNC Total
McCain 542 17 559
Romney 256 9 265
Huckabee 166 3 169
The Democratic side today is a dangerous divide. Obama is winning — very narrowly! — by 13 delegates based on how citizens have caucused for him or voted for him, but Clinton is winning by 74 delegates when “super delegates” are factored into the mix. Super delegates are the elite of the party. These are the seats apportioned to Governors, Senators, and other elected, as well as other big whoops of the Party from labor or elsewhere. Admittedly, this is also where Clinton would have a huge edge dating not only to the time when her front runner status was unchallenged (not so long ago, remember?), but also to her own years in the game and the help of the master arm twister in chief, former President Bill Clinton.
It easy to see why ACORN members have been so split on this race: everybody is!
But this is a nomination that must be won on the streets in the caucus halls and at the ballot box. Under no circumstances can we allow the race to be decided in backroom deals for the super delegates.
It seems that is something we need to worry about now.