New Orleans In Peru, the slogan was always “water is life,” when ACORN fought the privatization in Lima, Antigua, and other cities across the country in alliance with FENTAP, the water workers union. In New Orleans, ACORN and Local 100 joined with our allies, both locally and nationally, to beat back the privatization of …
Author: Chief Organizer
Pat House Was Something Special
Pearl River Jim Lynch, a one-time ACORN staffer back in the day and a long-time KABF board member, sent me the obituary in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette on Pat House’s passing at 94 years of age. Pat was a long-time comrade and friend of our organizations back to the very beginning in 1970 and …
ACORN’s Mildred Brown of Philadelphia
Pearl River One of my favorite pictures in my office has always been one taken at the anniversary celebrations in Little Rock that coincided with a meeting of the national board, likely in the late 1980s. It’s a picture of the first four presidents of ACORN: Steve McDonald, Larry Rogers, Elena Hanggi, and Mildred …