Pearl River One of my favorite pictures in my office has always been one taken at the anniversary celebrations in Little Rock that coincided with a meeting of the national board, likely in the late 1980s. It’s a picture of the first four presidents of ACORN: Steve McDonald, Larry Rogers, Elena Hanggi, and Mildred …
Author: Chief Organizer
Gutting the Clean Water Act
Pearl River In the United States the passage of the Clean Water Act in 1972 during President Richard Nixon’s term was a huge environmental accomplishment. The Supreme Court’s decision in 2023 in Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency was a significant attack on the broad reach of these protections over the last fifty years. A …
Political Tradecraft
Pearl River With the US election less than four weeks away, it was timely to talk to the veteran progressive political organizer, Bob Creamer on Wade’s World. As it happens, our paths have crossed many times over the last decades. Before becoming a political organizer, Bob was a community organizer for many years based …