New Orleans There was a depressing op-ed in the New York Times entitled “Losing the Fight Over Abortion” by Amy Littlefield, a correspondent for The Nation. Sadly, this may be the first of many post-mortems for Roe v. Wade, even before the Supreme Court puts the knife in its heart after decades with hundreds of cuts by courts, cities, and states. Even more discouraging …
Category: ACORN
Homeownership Gap Widens
New Orleans When I wrote Citizen Wealth, published in 2009, I proudly recorded the role that ACORN played in increasing the homeownership rate of Black and Hispanic Americans over a period of thirty-years between 1977-78 and 2007-2008. We had fought, along with many others, for the legislation in Congress that passed the Community Reinvestment …
Hospital Administers Second Snakebite
New Orleans ACORN, Local 100 United Labor Unions, and the Labor Neighbor Research & Training Center have been studying hospitals for some years now. First, we looked at charity care in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas, and found that if nonprofits with tax exemptions simply hit the average of 4% of gross income as …