The Fight to Save Affordable Housing from Bill 23

ACORN International Canada Housing Municipalities Rights

           London, Ontario         Listening to the organizing reports at ACORN Canada’s Year End / Year Begin meeting, several themes were common, as one after another got up to describe their actions and progress during the year, and that was especially true for all of the offices in Ontario:  Hamilton, Peel, London, Ottawa, and, of course, …

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Thanks to Trump, the Supremes and the Crazies

Elections Ideas and Issues Rights United States

            Chicago          My mother always insisted after every birthday and Christmas, and it seemed like a host of other occasions, that my brother and I write “thank you” notes.  That lesson set hard on my brother, and he embraced it as a good thing.  I didn’t disagree with the practice, but often it was bottom-of-the-list-business …

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