Santa Marta, Columbia It turns out that it’s not easy, according to some claims, even in this time of great inequity to manufacture elites, even in super selective universities and the vaunted Ivy League colleges based in the United States. There’s no question that the glide path to the elite, if you’re rich or …
Category: Education
The Lingering Issue of Integration
New Orleans Integration is hardly one of those fights that is won and done. Living in the South especially, no one is that surprised when they read that cases filed in the 50s and 60s have continued to bounce back and forth in various courts as school districts continue to try and prove …
Home Schooling and Charter Schools’ Achilles Heels
Houston In the long slog against the privatization and abandonment of public schools, two forces have nipped at the heels of this historic foundation and exemplar of the American democracy and its commitment to education of all of its citizens. One has been the advent of charter schools, funded by public dollars and subsidized …