New Orleans The new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released its outline of new mortgage lending rules that will take effect in 2014. The new rules are interesting, though in some ways not reassuring. After years of arguing with big banks and subprime houses that “affordability” had to be the key test regardless of all …
Category: Foreclosure
Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase Fleeing Community in Face of More Accountability
New Orleans Banks have become either near criminal enterprises or complete criminal enterprises. This is no longer a matter of speculation. This is now a documented fact with confessions made in the dock. Even with the very minimal supervision being given big banks by regulators and the vast loopholes in any banking laws, some are …
Another Deal Coming for the Bankers, Unlikely to Benefit Consumers
Dauphine Island New reports have finally trickled out on a “last and final” deal between government regulators and the nation’s big banks over their irresponsible, immoral fleecing of consumers around home mortgages leaving millions as foreclosure victims. Nothing about this settlement sounds really good for consumers particularly. The whole thing smacks of end of the …