New Orleans This is not a story of letting “no good deed go unpunished,” though it may seem a wee bit like that. It’s really more a story of “the devil is in the details.” Of course, this is a Katrina story in the long tail from the colossal hurricane that pounded the Gulf …
Category: Housing
Passage to India
Marble Falls – After eight years, I have finally booked passage to India in a bit over three weeks, landing in Delhi and departing ten days later from Mumbai. Working with the ACORN India organizers, we are already filling up the schedule with meetings, planning, and a strategy session for two days to map out the …
If Homelessness is a Crisis, Why Isn’t Affordable Housing the Answer?
Pearl River New mayors, old mayors, big cities, small towns, it’s usually only a matter of time in minutes, days, or months before they decry homelessness. It’s safe to say that almost no one stands before the podium, politician, citizen, businessman, or homeowner, and says, “I’m for homelessness.” This is an issue that unites almost …