Marble Falls Affordable housing is a crisis throughout the country. The shortage has meant that housing prices are rising, even as interest rates and some inflation have made them less affordable and reduces sales to record levels. And, as I learned to chant in Glasgow several years ago, Rents Are Bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S. Developers …
Category: Housing
Rents are Sucking Up Family Income
New Orleans All around the world, in one country after another, there seems to be a common refrain: rents are too damned high! There’s no question that rents have been increasing at a phenomenal pace in recent years. The dearth of new construction of affordable housing and the wholesale abandonment of governmental responsibility in …
Food Prices are Too High
New Orleans During the campaign discussion at the ACORN Canada YE/YB there was ongoing attention to the financialization of housing, winning heating and cooling thresholds for tenants, and expanding internet access, but there was also a proposal from the Toronto organizers that sparked an interesting discussion. Members at local meetings kept bringing up …