New Orleans The facts of the matter are painful to read, but important not to overlook. In a twist of the old James Carville line: “It’s poverty, stupid!” Meaning really that it’s the whole environment and economy that matter in the development of people and individuals and not just one or two factors or institutions …
Category: International
Update on Dharavi
Mumbai Needing to drag our friend, Parasher, the Waste filmmaker along to provide footage for another documentary project, gave Vinod Shetty, ACORN India’s director in Mumbai, a good reason to visit with our leaders in Dharavi, get an update, and see what was new in Mumbai’s giant mega-slum. Our leaders were enthusiastic. The combination office, …
Visiting Mundka, Delhi’s Plastic Recycling Center
Delhi We climbed onto the first Delhi Metro train at Nehru Place and after three more train transfers on this fairly amazing and new subway system, we had reached the very end of the line in Mundka in the Delhi suburbs. I wanted to see what Kaveri Gill in Of Poverty and Plastic had called …