Prince Charles, Dharavi, and Livelihoods

Community Organizations International Ideas and Issues International

New Orleans Recently in the wake of his impending new book, Prince Charles of England made headlines throughout the UK and India, by holding up the Dharavi mega-slum in Mumbai as a “model” for sustainable development.  An interesting observation. Vinod Shetty, director of the ACORN Foundation (India) in Mumbai and ACORN’s Dharavi Project and I …

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Soweto Kinch, Dharavi Rocks, and the Blue Frog

ACORN Community Organizations International International

Mumbai      One of the more unusual, and innovative, of the programs associated with ACORN Inte rnational and ACORN India’s organizing of the Dharavi Project with ragpickers in this huge mega-slum has been a partnership called “Dharavi Rocks” between our ACORN Foundation (India) and the Blue Frog jazz club in the central part of …

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