New Orleans In the prevailing wisdom and the back pats that we like to sometimes hope are well earned and deserved, in speaking with students on university campuses about organizing chapters to support ACORN International’s organizing in various countries I have occasionally used cited the effectiveness of the anti-sweatshop movement as exhibit one for why …
Category: International
Rag Pickers Innovation
New Orleans There’s a 10 ½ hour time difference from Mumbai to New Orleans, and to ACORN India Mumbai’s director, Vinod Shetty, it was a surprise when earlier today, a delegation including the consul general himself and political director for Mumbai showed up as part of a delegation that wanted to see what ACORN India’s …
350 Actions for Climate Change
New Orleans There were thousands of actions around the globe on Saturday responding to a call issued by American author Bill McKibben to do something to symbolize the need to move to 350 parts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere compared to the 387 parts CO2, where we are now. These things flare up from …