Catania After an engaging number of hours with a collection of officials from neighboring towns, activists, students, professors, and others discussing the principles of community organization and the “burning issues” they brought to the workshop, I caught a lift with Paolo Guarnaccia one of the driving forces behind ViveSimeto to use the wireless at his …
Category: International
War Against Child Labor
New Orleans The International Labor Organization declares today the Day of the War against Child Labor. I posted pictures from the BBC website of child workers from India, thinking about the waste pickers we are organizing there. This was on my mind because Judith Francorsi, an Australian journalist now living in Mumbai, asked me about …
Wal-Mart’s First Indian Store
New Orleans The first rollout of a store in India from the fruit of the Bharti-Wal-Mart partnership is eminent. The Journal was trumpeting the in Amritsar in the Punjab scheduled for next Tuesday. Word in India from Dharmendra Kumar, director of India FDI Watch Campaign is that they will have to “postpone…opening which was scheduled…as …