Agrarianism vs. Globalism


February 7, 2009             Dar es Salaam             The devastation being wrecked by the economic meltdown is probably a more global phenomenon than globalism itself and certainly intensified by the interconnectedness of all economic lives in these days and times.  A line running at the bottom of the screen on the BBC news reported that a …

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Immigrant Hijack


February 4, 2009                 New Orleans                      For some people the notion of an immigrant family working in the United States without perfect paperwork is just “tough stuff” and just desserts, but most Americans understand that there is a fundamentally and fully broken system that has created a class of employers desperate for the labor and …

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Turkish Attacks on Roma

Community Organizing Ideas and Issues International

January 31, 2009             New Orleans               In 2006 when the Organizers’ Forum delegation from the US and Canada visited Ankara and Istanbul in Turkey we spent several hours visiting with an organizer and a community organizing project among the Roma (gypsies) across the Bosporus Straits on the Asian side of Istanbul.  The community was similar …

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