Yangon My father used to ask me after every new exploration of a country unknown to either of us to tell him what might “interest” him that I had seen or learned. Though he passed away a bit over 5 years ago, it’s one of many habits that I choose not to break, so enjoy …
Category: Organizers Forum
Myanmar, a Texas-size Country with Resources to Match
Yangon Until you are on the ground, you don’t fully realize how big Myanmar is. The city sprawls out, but is teeming with people, buses filled to the gills, sidewalks India-like with people, cars, street sellers, and hawkers with tea shops on small plastic stools serving whatever, whenever, and wherever they can fit in. Thinking …
Oppressing the Christians in Chin and Media Dreams in the Air
Yangon Chin is a somewhat inaccessible state occupied largely by ethnic Chin’s along the western and northern mountainous areas of Myanmar strategically located along the Indian and Chinese borders of the country. The state is geographically large, but its population is hardly 500,000, and perhaps significantly less given the number of Chin who have fled, …