Gun Scam, Bait and Switch


            New Orleans     In the Age of Trump and its aftermath, if we all weren’t cynical before, we are at least cautious these days about too readily believing any claims for fear of alternative “truths.”  Still, I caught myself saying, “unbelievable!” this morning, as I read about the incredible and dangerous scam involved in …

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The End of the Third Space?


New Orleans      For years, many have talked about the importance in communities of so-called “third spaces.”  These are the wonderful in-between areas between the public and private spheres, occupying what was hoped to be a neutral space of comfort and security for all.  Third spaces were places where money and status, race and gender, …

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Wealth Supremacy

Politics Wade's World

            Marble Falls       If Marjorie Kelly has her way, the term “wealth supremacy” will be as common in political, cultural, and economic discussions as white supremacy.  That’s just part of what she was telling me and tens of thousands of others on Wade’s World.  Her argument in a nutshell is that the toxicity of …

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