Marble Falls Oh, momma, can this really be the end, we’re stuck in hoping, but worried the vampire might still mend. Sad to say, that was the thought that crossed my mind and tempered my celebration at the news that James O’Keefe was forced to walk the plank and jump ship from Project Veritas. …
Category: Politics
If Homelessness is a Crisis, Why Isn’t Affordable Housing the Answer?
Pearl River New mayors, old mayors, big cities, small towns, it’s usually only a matter of time in minutes, days, or months before they decry homelessness. It’s safe to say that almost no one stands before the podium, politician, citizen, businessman, or homeowner, and says, “I’m for homelessness.” This is an issue that unites almost …
Congress Goes British Giving Biden a Break
New Orleans The British have a raucous political tradition that amazingly continues to endure, called “question period.” The Prime Minister de jure takes questions from the opposition leader and parliamentarians on both sides of the aisle who hoot and holler from the back benches as if they were at a local football, which is …