Pearl River As the Gaza conflict extends past nine months, people of good will continue to knit their brows and pull their hair, imagining what it might take to end the conflict and stop the bloodletting both now and in the future. The largest Israeli protests in months occurred recently demanding a cease fire, release …
Category: Protests
On the Firing Line in Nairobi
Heerlen The lead articles in all of the papers around the world are highlighting the mass protests in Nairobi, Kenya, where thousands breached Parliament, lit fires, and were beaten back by police and gunfire killing at least five, as they fought to stop passage of a broad tax increase proposed by the government. I …
For Universities, Moratoriums, Yes; Money, No
Pearl River Free advice is usually worth even less than that price, since it’s unsolicited and there’s no demand for it. In the current confusion between university bosses and student protestors on various sides of the Gaza war, it seems a free for all, so I’ll jump into the dogpile with a suggestion FWIW, …