New Orleans Recently, I shared a piece that asked the question about new found pandemic-induced appreciation for the American working class. Supposedly, there is now an understanding that they are essential. My question was: “so what?” What are employers ready to do about it? In the massive tide of worker-driven strikes we’re seeing …
Category: Workers
When the New Boss is Not the Same as the Old Boss
New Orleans The Who song about the new boss being the same as the old boss is a classic case, even if rare, of culture speaking to class. Where we find that the new boss is the same as the old boss over and over again is in the popular instances of subcontracting …
Essential, but so What?
New Orleans Working Class Perspectives gave me the honor of the Labor Day blog again this year, so it’s a pleasure to share it with you, while hoping you remember the value of labor on this day of recognition. Essential Workers Take Action During the pandemic, the working class that had been …