New Orleans The AARP has issued an invaluable and depressing study meticulously collected from mortgage loan data in the available years since the housing crisis went full blown in 2007. The information seems radically different from the spinning popular mythology and the profile of the foreclosure victims among the chattering classes (including British bank regulator …
Tag: Advocates and Actions
Nadar is Right on Airlines and Small Claims Courts
New Orleans As part of the meetings between ACORN International organizers in Canada, Mexico, Honduras, and elsewhere our up and coming star organizer with Local 100’s program in Dallas was coming. She had never flown on a plane. She had to get a passport for the first time. We were all wildly excited. She was …
Bankruptcy and Foreclosures
New Orleans In Phoenix this week 35 members of Advocates and Actions did an action on the new “field office” of Fannie Mae to a lame response despite camera crews from five stations whirring away. It was more heartening to read that the Justice Department was using the angle of its authority over bankruptcy law …