Government at all Levels Needs to Act on Contract Purchase Predators – Now!

Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Foreclosure

New Orleans   Advocates and lawyers are firing more and more bullets at contract purchase predators and the Home Savers Campaign has raised the ante on its demands to Fannie Mae (FNMA) in yet more signs that the offensive against these real estate robber barons is gaining increased traction. Another front has opened with the filing …

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Hammer and Tong Fights Over Rent Control – Look at Santa Rosa and Scotland

ACORN ACORN International Citizen Wealth Financial Justice

New Orleans   With rents soaring and evictions rising in cities all over the US and the world, the real estate interests are finally facing their worst boogeyman: rent control! Rather than responding to the affordable housing crisis worldwide with new and innovative plans to provide additional housing, they are mainly digging in their heels and …

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Building a Fighting Force to Stop Evictions and Win Affordable Rents

ACORN ACORN International Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Foreclosure

New Orleans    Tenancy is rising, and it’s expensive. People are being pressed up against the walls. The old rule of thumb that rent and housing costs should not be more than 30% of income, similar to the old Brooke Amendment named after the legendary African-American Senator from Connecticut, has long been in ruins. This is …

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