Marking Time for O’Keefe, ACORN, and the Crazies of Congress

ACORN ACORN International Organizing

New Orleans   Almost three years since the ACORN board and staff at that time pulled the plug on the organization and spread to the four corners of the country, it was suddenly another “ACORN week” in many ways in some weird coincidence of the calendar.               James O’Keefe, III, the criminal videographer who recently had …

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ACORN Defunding Bill Unconstitutional

ACORN Ideas and Issues

Dallas              Federal Judge Nina Gershon ruled unequivocally that the Congressional defunding restrictions on ACORN and all affiliated organizations were unconstitutional by breaching the U.S. Constitution’s prohibitions on Bills of Attainder and “ex post facto” laws.   Reading the decision this morning, I can say that are arguments are straightforward, clear, and well researched             Judge Gershon …

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