New Orleans We were all clear when the Obama Administration announced changes last year to the HARP (Home Affordable Refinance Program) that seemed to favor refinancing that these changes were not going to provide relief to homeowners desperately trying to hold on and resist foreclosure. I thought that was the real issue with the latest …
Tag: Foreclosure
Chinese Banks, Student Loans, Foreclosures, and Political Impasse
New Orleans Are you kidding me? The Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao called for breaking up the banks because they are making too much money and charging too much interest. It turned out he was actually calling for breaking up banks in China, rather than elsewhere, but how refreshing to have a head of state calling …
Rope is Not a Lifeline for Millions of Underwater Homes
New Orleans Even though many economists are forcefully arguing that we cannot get out of this recession unless we finally realistically and aggressively address the home mortgage and foreclosure crises, President Obama through executive fiat continued down the same path that has been such an abysmal failure thus far. The program the President announced would …