Paterno After days of heated discussions the leaders of La Citta finally saw that the sides might be divided on candidates for mayor but could be united on a democratic process for selecting the candidate. Being able to put aside individual differences and preferences for the good of the entire movement is an important early …
Tag: Julian Assange
Assange is Right about Internet Archives
New Orleans The much maligned Julian Assange of Wikileaks on his forced sabbatical in England where he is “to the manor” adopted while awaiting extradition to Sweden to confront the errors of his ways with women, revealed an important insight in an interview with Hans Ulrich Obrist that was excerpted in the recent issue …
Wiki-worlds Need More Women & Less Snarky-ness!
Toronto What is it about the Wiki-worlds that seems to encourage no boundaries, let it rip, snarky-ness? I don’t get it, but I’m pretty sure it needs to be fixed. Two cases in point: New York Times editor Bill Keller’s piece on Julian Assange and Wikileaks and the “calling all women” initiative at Wikipedia’s 10th …