Raising the Minimum Wage and Lowering the Maximum Wage

ACORN ACORN International Citizen Wealth Financial Justice

Kawakawa, New Zealand   After decades of organizing to raise the minimum wage at the local, state, federal, and international level and winning more battles than losing, it is still frustrating to see the inequality gap increasing in country after country, as we continue to be ignored in Congress with a frozen national minimum wage and …

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On Wages, If Walmart can Raise Wages, Why Not Everyone

Citizen Wealth Financial Justice

Shreveport       Walmart is still the world and America’s largest single private sector employer. Headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas, they still leave a huge footprint in their home state just as they do around the world.  For decades, Walmart led the race to the bottom, sweating workers on wages and hours, allegedly and likely discriminating on gender and …

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