New Orleans Candice Choi’s AP interview with Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren who is now organizing the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for the Obama Administration shed both light and darkness on what is going on now in the 6-month run-up before the July 21st rule making powers of the agency take effect. All of the …
Tag: Obama
Elizabeth Warren’s Two-Income Trap
New Orleans With the passage of Dodd-Frank and the advent of the coming Consumer Protection Finance Agency there was a huge hubbub from business and others opposing the appointment of Harvard Law Professor and bankruptcy expert Elizabeth Warren to run the agency. Supposedly she was opposed by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, the bank bailout Wall …
What’s with Obama and Shaved Ice?
New Orleans I know you probably had the same reaction as I did about the article on Obama’s vacation and his frustration with communications from Hawaii and terrorism, and blah, blah, blah, when the real issue was seeing the picture of Obama and his daughter eating – what to a New Orleans eye we call …