Little Rock For all of the criticism of the on-line tools and what Secretary of HHS Sebelius has now called the “debacle” of the web access for enrollment for the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, the 800 pound gorilla in the room is still sitting on the digital divide. First, we have huge numbers of …
Tag: obamacare
Subverting Competition in Healthcare May Force Price Controls
New Orleans There are obvious glitches in the Affordable Care Act that the politicians will handle. One of them, as I’ve argued before, is going to be extending the deadline for enrollment to escape penalties past March 31, 2014, and that assumes that the government doesn’t waive the penalties entirely for the first year, which will …
Obamacare Now!
New Orleans Ignoring the sound and fury signifying nothing, enrollment under the Affordable Care Act for tens of millions of Americans, many of them uninsured, opens on October 1st at on-line or using paper applications that may be downloaded or accessed through navigators or state insurance commission offices. You have to have a couple …