The Digital Divide is a Class Divide

Citizen Wealth Financial Justice

New Orleans     The Pew Research Center says that only 43% of households nationally with annual incomes of less than $25,000 have access to the internet compared to 70% nationally with broadband. Only 55% of African-Americans have broadband internet. Why? Well, not surprisingly, surveys conducted by independent sources, including pollsters hired by the Wall Street Journal …

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Payday Lending is All About the Pyramiding the Loan, not the Payday

ACORN ACORN International Citizen Wealth Financial Justice

Little Rock   With the admissions that the bigger-than-God-and-government banks are skimming gazillions in profits from predatory payday loans, some welcome sunlight is shining on the dark caves of financial services for workers trying to stretch the money to make the month or deal with emergencies.  The Pew Research Center released a report on some of the …

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USA Voter System a Black Mark for Global Democracy

ACORN International International

 Atlanta    In Rome I was talking in the halls of the Italian Parliament to policy makers and others about Democracy in the XXI Century, where we had an engaging conversation about the role of community organizations at the grassroots level increasing democracy and the disturbing trends in the United States through various repressive voter regulations, especially …

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