New Orleans So resistance and protests might be working to pushback some of the assault on basic American principles, rights, and obligations to people, and we’re getting a little help from the courts, although who knows how long that might last, but I have to beat my usual drum a bit and remind that much …
Tag: Trump Administration
Signs of the Times Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple PodcastsNew Orleans I’m not sure if this is a footnote to these times of turmoil or the banner headline, but I have to admit to loving the way people are not just putting their feet to the street these days but their voices – and often humor …
The Delete Uber Drive
New Orleans There’s an old saying that “what goes around, comes around,” and that was never truer that the huge hit that the arrogant, bullying, worker exploiting Uber ride sharing service has taken since the company once again tripped over its own greed this last weekend when it showed its true colors once again in …