Pension Funds Demanding Walmart Board Step Down over Mexican Bribery

Community Organizing International

New Orleans   Walmart annual board meetings are legendary dog-and-pony shows with literally thousands traipsing to Bentonville for a Roman circus of entertainment and company spectacle.  This meeting next month may have a sharper edge that not even a packed room of handpicked “associates” can stifle.  It will be impossible for the board to ignore shareholders …

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Stockholder Spring: Finally Some Stockholder Justice for Corporate Bad Behavior

Ideas and Issues

New Orleans    Corporate governance and stockholder voting and input are largely boardroom jokes and swallows of hypocritical placebos used to dupe the “biscuit cookers,” what’s left of small investors, and the general public, all of which makes it nice to see some real life examples of sleeping giants stirring to action and delivering some stockholder …

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