Kansas Takes the War on Welfare Recipients to New Extremes

Citizen Wealth Financial Justice

New Orleans     Governor Brownback of Kansas signed into law the most oppressive and restrictive legislation dealing with welfare families in the United States.  Really?  Is that something to be proud of in Kansas now? The headlines have focused on the stigmatization of these families with children on TANF – Temporary Assistance to Needy Families.  Nail …

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GiveDirectly: Tech Narcissism in Africa? Or, What?

Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Ideas and Issues Philanthropy

New Orleans         I read a column in the New York Times by the spectacularly unreliable source, Nicholas Kristoff,  that was flatly arguing in his classic neo-liberal mindless hucksterism that rather than try to change the world, perhaps it was better to simply make money and give more away.  Despite the absurdity of his argument on its …

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