Huge Victory in Bristol as Mayor Pulls Back Council Tax Exemption Proposal

ACORN ACORN International Citizen Wealth Financial Justice

Lake Buckhorn, Ontario   ACORN members, leaders, and organizers were celebrating with the news that the mayor of Bristol, England, had folded under growing pressure from the ACORN campaign and shelved his proposal to eliminate exemptions for lower income families from the council tax. ACORN’s research and reports indicate that the victory protects the 16,000 poorest …

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Setting the “Real” Living Wage in the United Kingdom

ACORN ACORN International Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Ideas and Issues

London   The conservatives in the United States may have managed some permanent confusion among workers by labeling their decades long campaign against unions and dues collection, the “right-to-work” laws, but on our side of the line the several decades we have fought “living wage” campaigns was an equally powerful organizing bulwark against ongoing efforts to …

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