New Orleans This report almost writes itself, especially since the pictures virtually tell the story as various organizations in the ACORN International global federation step up to turn on the heat. Ottawa ACORN opens another year of our Remittance Justice Campaign picketing Western Union for predatory pricing of transfers from working, immigrant families back to …
Category: Canada
Teamsters for a Democratic Union, Time Banking, and Know Your Care
Detroit The ACORN Canada staff finished an excellent Year End / Year Begin meeting in “southern Canada” across the river from Windsor in Detroit, where 15 of the team discussed campaigns, results of last year’s work, and goals for the coming year. In order to get a sense of other organizing while they were in …
Occupy Winter, Yurts, and Tents
New Orleans For the last several days way too many of us have left messages on union voice mail machines (gee, no one has anyone answering phones with live people anymore!) all over the United States trying to find union-made sleeping bags and union-made tents for Occupy forces in the Midwest and other colder climes …