New Orleans Michelle Obama is doing a great high-profile job around children’s fitness and obesity. These are health issues that are critical in the community and deserve full support. But, how do we reconcile the fact that at the same time we’re reading about her initiatives here, we are also reading about children being dunned, …
Category: Education
New Orleans The California Supreme Court yesterday became one of the few bright spots in the dark tunnel that immigrants are facing for any kind of justice or resolution given the political storm clouds hovering everywhere. The Californians ruled that it would be discriminatory to deny California residents scholarship support from state institutions because of …
The $100,000 Plus Head Start Teacher?
New Orleans I admit a hot headline on the front page of the New York Times about paying kindergarten teachers $320,000 per year absolutely caught my eye! The back story was straightforward. A huge study under Project Star in Tennessee tracked 12,000 children in that state. The study was trying to determine whether or not …