New Orleans Thinking about student loan debt and the soaring costs of university education is interesting, even if it almost guarantees a migraine or a pain on the south side. The backstory runs in several channels. The huge gift at Morehouse College by billionaire Robert Smith and his offer to pay the student debt …
Category: Education
LeBron’s Bikes
Auckland As the sports commentators often say, LeBron James is “part of the conversation” on who might be the greatest basketball player ever. Having played with the Cleveland Cavaliers where he brought them a title finally after decades and the Miami Heat where he won two championships, he has been in the finals for umpteen …
Berea College, Work Colleges, Tax Bills, and Student Loan Ripoffs
Gulfport Berea College is as close as something comes to a one-of-a-kind, single institution, social change education experiment. Founded 162 years ago by abolitionists in Kentucky to educate freed slaves and lower income white students, to this day the college only admits lower income students. The Times reports that 98% of its classes use federal …