Million Dollar Arms

Ideas and Issues International

Million Dollar Arms December 15, 2008    Washington     Bruce Reed, the former Clintonian policy advisor, managed to discover a fascinating story of two Indian cricket players having their own real life Slumdog adventure as rookie tryouts with the Pittsburgh Pirates.  Enjoy.The Mound Is Flat India’s first two professional baseball players make a passage to Pennsylvania. By …

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Slumdog Millionaire

Ideas and Issues International

Slumdog Millionaire December 14, 2008       New Orleans  A gang of us journeyed down to Canal Street to see Slumdog Millionaire, the Danny Boyle film (Trainspotting) set in Mumbai and elsewhere in India.  Bottom line, we all enjoyed it marvelously as wonderful entertainment.  Perhaps for different reasons, we might recommend it.       Many of the scenes were filmed …

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Understanding Thai Protests

Community Organizing Ideas and Issues International

Understanding Thai Protests       New Orleans  I have been fascinated in following the dramatic, tactical effectiveness of the Thai anti-governmental protest which was directed at the huge, new international airport and effectively took over the airport for days in the recent week.  Planes were rerouted.  More than 100,000 passengers were stranded.  There was a stalemate …

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