Bartering and the Sharing Economy Give Hope in Spain

Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Ideas and Issues International

New Orleans  The real estate bubble in Spain cratered the economy ushering in an austerity economy with unemployment rates of more than 25% of the population and a staggering 55% for younger workers.  We might ask how people are surviving, and the answer from banker Julio Gisbert who has written a book called, Living Without …

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Every Friday in Bil’in is Demo Time for Iyad Burnat and the Gang on the West Bank

Community Organizing International

Atlanta     Fred Brooks, an old comrade, and now professor at Georgia State, asked if I would be interested in hearing a visiting speaker, Iyad Burnat, who was a Palestinian organizer of nonviolent protests on the ever controversial West Bank and happened to be giving a talk at Kennesaw State at the international conflict resolution center up …

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