Assange is Right about Internet Archives


            New Orleans               The much maligned Julian Assange of Wikileaks on his forced sabbatical in England where he is “to the manor” adopted while awaiting extradition to Sweden to confront the errors of his ways with women, revealed an important insight in an interview with Hans Ulrich Obrist that was excerpted in the recent issue …

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Indian Government Deals Small Businesses a Hard Blow

ACORN International Financial Justice International Protests

            New Orleans               For years the India FDI Watch Campaign supported by ACORN International has campaigned to make sure that any modification in foreign direct investment would protect the 20,000,000 small retailers, birani shop keepers, brokers, and others would be done responsibly.  Working to build a large, diverse national coalition, the …

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Caveat Emptor / Buyers Beware the Fair Trade Mess

Community Organizations International Ideas and Issues International

New Orleans               Part of the global dispute that ACORN International highlighted in our recently released report, “Unfair Fairtrade”, burst into the business section of the Times in a weird piece of Thanksgiving celebration.  The issue engaged most directly continued to be the rouge retreat of Fair Trade USA and its chief, Paul Rice, from …

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