Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple PodcastsNew Orleans Most of the world celebrates workers and Labor Day on May 1st, but the vestiges of “better dead than red,” have diluted Labor Day in the USA to a celebration of the end of summer, school openings, and, oh, yeah, workers are worth noticing for …
Category: Labor Organizing
Is SEIU Waving the White Flag for Workers? Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple PodcastsLittle Rock The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is a great organization and with almost two-million members, the largest in the United States. Its membership is diverse and anything but an entitled aristocracy of labor for the most part with somewhere between a third to forty percent …
Uberization and Organizing
Milan In Europe there is increasing interest – and concern – over what is called the “uberization” of the economy, named after the ubiquitous and controversial US-based, but globally operating, Uber ride-sharing application. A French parliamentarian used the expression in a communication in recent days. Talking to a union organizer in the Netherlands, he …