Making the Case for Tenants’ Unions

ACORN International Affordability Housing Organizing Poverty Unions

            New Orleans       In Scotland, ACORN’s tenant union chants “The rent is bananas.”  Affordable housing is a global issue.  Some cities concoct schemes to maintain affordable housing and block second homes and Airbnbs, but most don’t.  Few actually break ground for affordable apartment complexes or create equitable zoning rules to allow them.  Minnesotans voted …

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Environmental Racism and Black Property Loss are Twins

Environment Human Rights Poverty Race

            Pearl River      One public health research report after another has nailed the facts that minority and lower income populations life expectancy is diminished by environmental pollution.  Harvard’s School of Public Health says that the new tighter air pollution standards proposed by the EPA could “reduce mortality rates by up to 7 percent for Black …

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