Munich In a meeting in Aachen, Germany, with a representative of Misereor, the German Catholic foundation, I was asked to give a thumbnail sketch of where we’re organizing around the world, especially in Africa. I ticked off the list, here and there, Kenya, Liberia, Cameroon, and Nigeria. Then I said, “wait,” and added …
Category: Radio
Freedom to Read
Marble Falls When we think of libraries, most of us have a pretty clear picture in our minds. To some it’s a quiet, contemplative space, where often all we can hear is the shuffle of feet from card catalogues, if those still exist, to rows of bookshelves. Maybe we remember having to spend …
Spending Student Loan Payments – For Sure!
New Orleans Managing a radio station means juggling a lot of things, especially with an all-volunteer army. Having spent a career as an organizer working for organizations trying to get their voices and issues, often silenced, to be heard, it is a different experience to be on the other side of the table. …