The Ironies of Vancouver: The Post-Gentrified City

ACORN ACORN International Citizen Wealth Financial Justice

Vancouver       Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada may be a case study of the post-gentrified city.  Average housing prices have dropped all the way down to $1.4 million per house.  The Vancouver Sun reported that a Habitat for Humanity house had sold for $330,000.  ACORN Canada’s office and all of our groups are in the working-class …

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Hedge Fund Housing Horror Stories in California

ACORN Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Organizing

San Jose       At the University of California at Santa Cruz in the question and answer period after THE ORGANIZER, I got what has become a standard question about the role of social media in organizing.  I’m always kind but clear.  Social media is a fantastic and inexpensive communication tool that is invaluable for organizing, but …

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