Affordable Housing Push-out Problems in Vancouver, New York, and London

ACORN International Citizen Wealth Financial Justice

Bristol     Reading the news is one thing but watching the steady stream of young people and many not so young at the Rock & Bowl hostel in central Bristol where we have been staying for the last several days underscores the affordable housing push-out.  New residents with jobs of all kinds are paying 10-15 pounds per day …

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Multiple Occupancy Tenants Moving in Edinburgh

ACORN International Citizen Wealth Financial Justice Organizing

Edinburgh  I could feel the excitement in the conversations at the steering committee of the Edinburgh Private Tenant Action Group, an affiliate of ACORN International, as they started mapping out a plan to broadly organize the multiple occupancy tenants across the city.  With home ownership an impossibility, many of all ages from students to decades …

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Benefit Handles Fueling Edinburgh Tenant Organizing

ACORN International International Organizer Training Organizing

Edinburgh     There’s nothing like good old fashion, benefit campaigns to light the fire under organizing drives, and it seems that the Edinburgh Private Tenants Action Group (EPTAG) has a number of great handles to choose from in moving to accelerate the growth and power of the organization.  Later today I’m joining a half-dozen of the …

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