Memphis After a 30-year HUD led program to obliterate public housing in the USA, there probably isn’t any more quixotic campaign than to try and save the “last public housing project in Memphis,” as Robert Lipscomb, head of the Memphis Public Housing Authority calls the 497 unit Foote Homes, but there I was huddled in …
Tag: affordable housing
More Tenants? More Rights!
Toronto Given the housing and foreclosure crisis in the United States, it was not surprising to see that homeownership rates have fallen rapidly in recent years. The Wall Street Journal published an estimate saying: The nation’s home-ownership rate is also falling, to 67% of U.S. households in 2010, after topping 69% in 2004, according to …
Come On! Private Banks Poaching Fannie Mae
New Orleans On ESPN’s Sportscenter during the seasons they have a feature called “Come on!” in which they feature unbelievable or bonehead plays. We need that in other fields of public life and politics. Reading about the efforts of banks like Wells Fargo and JP Morgan Chase along with the various trade associations to try …