Detroit We had hit the front door a couple of times without success. The house was a single-story white brick facade set back from the street. If we had not been anywhere other than the west side of Detroit, we might have been able to blink our eyes and believe we were in a working-class …
Tag: Detroit
“Option to Buy,” another Twist on Predatory Purchase Schemes
Detroit Preparing for the Home Savers Campaign teams to hit the doors in Detroit and visit with victims of the various installment land purchase and rent-to-buy schemes in the city, a crew of us sat down for a preliminary briefing with Joe McGuire, a staff attorney with Michigan Legal Services who has tussled with a …
UAW Reveals the Deal for VW Recognition in Breakthrough
New Orleans The Chattanooga Choo-Choo is whistling for a big stop at the Detroit headquarters of the United Automobile Workers (UAW). When Glen Miller and his band recorded that song, it was the first million selling record ever and got the first gold record for its popularity. There will soon be a similar celebration at …