O’Keefe Payday, Bo’s Dog, Firedoglake, Upfront Credit Card Fees, and Cape Breton Slumlords

ACORN ACORN International Canada

New Orleans    News you need to nose. In a affidavit produced in court in San Diego brought by a former ACORN Housing Corporation employee fired as part of the James O’Keefe / Hannah Giles fake prostitution video scam, O’Keefe under oath was finally forced to reveal the financial arrangement between them and Andrew Brietbart and …

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Clean Rivers, Working Families, and Big Ideas

Citizen Wealth Organizing

Pittsburgh     Hit the United Association of Labor Educators conference running in Pittsburgh and then connected with Maryellen Hayden Deckard, former ACORN office director in Pittsburgh now doing the same for ACTION United.  In no time we were visiting with CWA and other union workers rallying at Verizon to support their contract fight, and then sitting down …

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